The #2 reason is absolutely shocking to those who actually read their bibles. The Roman Catholic Church advocates that other religions actually worship YHWH of the bible. They claim that all religions worship the same God.
The Roman Catholic Church has a long history of absorbing other religions into theirs, mainly as a way to increase their lands and populations while minimizing conflict. They did their best to offer other pagans the option to keep their wicked ways but to relabel them with Christian themes. Christmas is a prime example of that, which is why you have Christmas trees in every Catholic house. For other examples see my posts Why December 25th which includes a historical letter written by a pope instructing this practice and Mistletoe Unveiled.
Today isn’t any different than in the early days. The Roman Catholic Church continues to try to absorb other religions. In Pope Francis’s dramatic marketing video, we see him reading a statement while showing representatives of many different religions. The words are carefully chosen.
“Many think differently, feel differently, seeking God or meeting God in different ways.” Pope Francis, marketing video
It is clear in this statement that he is advocating that they all worship the same God. This statement is made immediately after showing each religious rep stating individually that they worship Buddha, Jewish God, Catholic Christ, and Muslim Allah. Then the video shows leaders of these religions connecting or embracing each other. After this, the pope makes another deceiving statement,
“..we are all children of God.” Pope Francis, marketing video
It is true that we all come from Adam, however YHWH does not consider all to be His children. Only those who worship YHWH are considered His. So how does YHWH feel about other religions? Well if you look at the first commands YHWH gives on Mount Sinai, you understand quickly that He is absolutely not tolerant of other religions.
“I am YHWH your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. You shall have no other gods before Me.” Exodus 20:2-3
If all religions worship the same God, then why would YHWH make that prohibition? Obviously, all gods are not Him. I mean, how much clearer can YHWH be? Other religions are not allowed.
“He who sacrifices to any god, except to YHWH only, he shall be utterly destroyed.” Exodus 22:20
False religions are simply fabricated versions of the real YHWH. The Pope tries to muddy the waters by saying all these other religions are worshipping the same God. This is a devilish tactic to confuse people. YHWH does not accept any other religions… period. He even explains that making idols is forbidden, that includes images of Him (as seen in the golden calf incident).
“You shall not make for yourself a carved image—any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. you shall not bow down to them nor serve them. For I, YHWH your God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children to the third and fourth generations of those who hate Me, but showing mercy to thousands, to those who love Me and keep My commandments.” Exodus 20:4-6
Yet, in the video, the Pope is trying to say that it’s ok to have idols and that is part of what they have in common!! See two of the idols shown in the video, the top is a Catholic baby Jesus and the other is the Buddha. The Buddhists were carefully chosen because they claim they do not worship the statues but like Catholics they claim to just use them for inspiration. In both religions, however, praying to the statues frequently happens. It’s interesting how they wanted to keep the waters muddy by not showing religions who clearly state they pray to statues, like Hinduism.

Notice how the pope video screenshots above show them trying to present the statues in a way that tells you they are the same thing and that it’s ok. The title photo is also a screenshot taken from the video presenting the idols and ideas as equivalents of each other.
Each representative in turn then states ‘I believe in love’. This implies that every religion understands what love is, that it is the same definition. The fact is, it is not. The one true God defines love as obedience to His Laws. Does a buddhist follow the Laws of YHWH? Does a Muslim? Does a Catholic? Definitely not. Let’s look at how the apostles defined love even after the resurrection.
“by this we know that we love the children of God, when we love God and keep His commandments. For this is the love of God, that we keep His commandments. And His commandments are not burdensome.” 1 John 5:2-3
That verse is very specific, it is referencing the Jewish Laws of YHWH. Love is obedience to YHWH’s Laws. Buddhists, Muslims, and Christians do not obey YHWH’s Laws. Observant Jews do but they fall short for three reasons. One is because they have made their own set of laws which they give equivalent authority, thereby usurping the authority of some of YHWH’s Laws. This is pointed out by Christ.
“making the word of God of no effect through your tradition which you have handed down. And many such things you do.” Mark 7:13
The second is that they believe that salvation comes from the covenant given on Mount Sinai, which is not possible. We are all part of the body of Adam who carries the unrepentant sin. We all came from Adam and so we all carry his sin. He never repented when confronted with his disobedience. He merely blamed Eve. Eve never repented either, she merely blamed the serpent. They never admitted wrong-doing. Our flesh is his flesh, our flesh is her flesh. Even if a baby is born and dies without sinning, the infant still is made from the flesh of Adam and carries that transgression. All who are the body of Adam will perish because of the broken command. The punishment for breaking a command of God is death. There is only one way to escape that punishment. That leads us to the third reason why the Jews fall short.
The third reason is that the Jews are still waiting for the Jewish Messiah. They didn’t and still don’t recognize Christ as that Messiah. The Son of God is the only way to have the charges dropped in court. By joining to the body of Christ, one’s sins become atoned for. There will be two bodies at the end. One is the body of Christ, and the other is the body of Adam.
So in effect, Jews are not worshipping YHWH either because they hate His Son. If you hate any part of one’s body then you hate the person also. Because the Son is part of God’s body (of the same flesh which is in this case Spirit), if you hate the Son then you hate the Father also.
So essentially you have in this video, Buddhists/Jews/Catholics/Muslims, all who are disobedient to YHWH, none who understand or practice love as defined by YHWH.
The Roman Catholic Church, who’s leader at the time of this post is Pope Francis, is up to its usual tricks. They are trying to blur the lines between religions so that they can unite in a way that is beneficial to their organization. They are not in any way at all concerned with how YHWH feels about it. They do not know YHWH or His Son, and they are definitely not His children.
The whole reason God refused to stay with the people is because they were disobedient and made up their own versions of God. These versions have their own rules. Some rules may coincide with YHWH’s but that does NOT mean that they serve Him. They serve something else. YHWH wants those who fully submit to ALL His ways, not just the ways they like. All these false religions are evil.
The ones that submit to all God’s Laws and accept His Son, they are the children of God. They are the ones who will receive the promised salvation.
The #2 Reason that the Roman Catholic Church is a pagan counterfeit is that they encourage the belief that they all worship the same God, the God of the bible. They preach that all gods are acceptable because they are the same god.
Technically they do all worship the same god, but it’s not YHWH! To watch the Pope’s blasphemous marketing video, click here.